Stainless Steel Webnet
Author:admin  Source:MSD  Date:2014-7-7 16:44:11  Hits:4906

Steel ‘X-Tor’ netting from the Baina netting company provides a diamond pattern netting with crimped ferrule joints. This is used extensively for containments of larger animals.

But development in new manufacturing techniques using smaller gauge cables has allowed us to produce a range of finer weave nets that are particularly suitable for many bird applications and aviaries. The material is flexible and robust making it ideally suitable for contoured and irregular shaped apertures and spaces.

Netting systems provide the ideal way to control boundaries for ball games while still allowing
spectators to watch safely. Baina can provide the whole system designed and installed to suit
the variations of your particular site. Permanent or temporary (retractable) installations are all possible.

next:Stainless Steel Safety Net For Kids
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